Sunday, March 7, 2010

A New Year....

The weather is warming up here in Central Texas, it's meant we've been able to get out in the garden a little this past week. We want to start gardening again this year but we haven't had a chance to get any seeds started. So yesterday while I was at the grocery store, I picked up some of these. . .

tomato plants, spaghetti squash, bell peppers, jalapenos, herbs and a strawberry plant! We haven't put them in the ground yet, we'll wait a week or so before we do that. But I did separate some of the plants in to individual pots. There were 3 spaghetti squash 'shoots' so I divided those, and a couple of sage plants in the same pot, so I divided those too. I also put the strawberry plant in a moss hanging basket.

For now we've put the plants in our little greenhouse we bought at Lowes last year (ready for seedlings this year!)

I also planted some seeds in trays for grape tomatoes, more jalapenos, sunflowers (Jason wants to grow more of these) and some spinach.

The garden looks pretty sad right now! I took this picture this morning from the game room window...

The grass is still all dormant but the clover (and other stuff?) is growing green. The veggie beds are all empty as you can see, except for a couple of things in my herb garden - the rosemary and cilantro made it through the winter. We would really like to do something about the pathways this year. The grass and weeds grow rampant once the summer comes and it's so hard to keep the paths clear. Last year we paid to have them weeded and mulch put around them, but that didn't keep the weeds at bay for long. I'm hoping we can invest some money in to getting at least some of the pathway concreted this year.

Earlier this week Jason planted some seeds straight in to the beds, some were peas, and we also put in some 'mescalin' lettuce, and I think beets? I'll have to get better at taking note of these things.

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